SATURATED SURFACE DRY – Gives new meaning to the term when you have to hit several repeated times with a hose. Think the brick was a bit dry for this interior application?. A 3 gallon spray can is definitely not the preferred method of application to get an SSD surface on this brick, prior to the application of our RureGold Cement Based Carbon Fiber at the King Juan Carlos Tower at NYU. Skyline as always did an impeccable job. Link –
Archives for April 2021
Logic dictates that Stabilization in Place is fundamentally more sound than Rip Out and Replace for restoration projects as well as needing less time and at reduced cost. It also provides less insult to the structure providing a more sustainable solution.
Rainscreen Version 2
Innovation in Real Time
Recently saw this as a post on LinkedIn from one of my specifiers. Immediately thought two things;
- This is a firm that gets what I do and I need to work with them even more in the future.
- Having introduced new Means, Methods and Materials to the restoration segment of the construction industry for 45 years this is a pictorial view of the way we look at traditional methods and how to improve on them.
Have any masonry restoration or strengthening situation that you might need an alternative or even primary solutions for? With one email, whether you are a contractor or an engineer days, weeks, months or even years could be cut off solving the problem. I have the horror stories that have in fact lasted years. It’s only an email, what have you got to lose. – Cindercrete weak, Drop Ceiling requires 1000# ultimate pullout, for example.