Nothing is simpler than using a Cintec Double Socked Coping Stone Anchor which also guarantees perfect alignment.
Cintec Cement Based Socked Anchors for Overhead Applications
Cintec Cement Based Socked Anchors can be any length, any steel size, including tubular, round or square, installed at any angle, including overhead and provide a FIREPROOF anchor, especially important in the case of fire in Cavity Walls. Penetration of Steel beams or columns for attachment of any material, including stone and terracotta of any size or weight, only dependent on the substrates ability to support it.
Installation of Socked Cement Based Anchors – Nothing Easier
Socked based cement anchors, whether HeliFix or Cintec, are easier to install than resin anchors with almost no waste compared to resin anchors and are fireproof. Installation shown is using plastics inserts for a battery operated bulk cement gun but can be used with just a regular battery or even air operated gun using no sleeves and just filling the tube itself. For high volume projects or long anchors, a pressure pot can be used to facilitate the larger volumes and for the greatest efficiency a peristaltic, continuous feed pump is ideal.
Window Surround Fixing in Rubble Wall – Speedtile or CMU
When fixing a window in a rubble wall which has inconsistent infill many time mechanical and even resin anchors will nor perform well or consistently. It is in these conditions where a cement based socked anchor provides the ideal solution to cover any voids or cavities. Even in Speedtile or CMU walls this system provides maximum anchorage in a fire rated anchor and is easily installed.
Cintec Anchor Inflation
Vintage Blind Side Membrane Injection Waterproofing
Almost 30 years since we did blind side injection into an overhead NYC Subway platform sandwich slab on Roosevelt Avenue to re-establish the waterproofing of the original felt paper/tar membrane, circa 1904, over a drop down electrical room. Those were the good old days when as usual we were told it couldn’t be done but when some says it “cannot be done” it means they cannot do it, it doesn’t mean that we cannot do it.