As we get ready to work in yet another Elevator Shaft project I just wanted to show you how easy a Cement Based Structural Stucco us to apply, even in the most difficult conditions. For further information link to – –
Cintec Cement Based Socked Anchors for Overhead Applications
Cintec Cement Based Socked Anchors can be any length, any steel size, including tubular, round or square, installed at any angle, including overhead and provide a FIREPROOF anchor, especially important in the case of fire in Cavity Walls. Penetration of Steel beams or columns for attachment of any material, including stone and terracotta of any size or weight, only dependent on the substrates ability to support it.
CastCotta Glaze Selection
Installation of Socked Cement Based Anchors – Nothing Easier
Socked based cement anchors, whether HeliFix or Cintec, are easier to install than resin anchors with almost no waste compared to resin anchors and are fireproof. Installation shown is using plastics inserts for a battery operated bulk cement gun but can be used with just a regular battery or even air operated gun using no sleeves and just filling the tube itself. For high volume projects or long anchors, a pressure pot can be used to facilitate the larger volumes and for the greatest efficiency a peristaltic, continuous feed pump is ideal.
Penetrations For Archaic Floor Systems
THE PROBLEM – Hotel need to provide 200 pipe penetrations through the Speedtile arch which was a major concern as it would cause distress to the stability of the individual tiles and the arch.
RUREGOLD SOLUTION – Place a 2 foot by 2 foot Ruregold “Patch” at each penetration to strengthen the face of the Speedtile prior to diamond drilling the penetrations from the bottom, which would allow for ease of penetration by drilling without damage to the tile.
Window Surround Fixing in Rubble Wall – Speedtile or CMU
When fixing a window in a rubble wall which has inconsistent infill many time mechanical and even resin anchors will nor perform well or consistently. It is in these conditions where a cement based socked anchor provides the ideal solution to cover any voids or cavities. Even in Speedtile or CMU walls this system provides maximum anchorage in a fire rated anchor and is easily installed.
Cintec Anchor Inflation
LL 37 Retaining Walls Compliance with SIP vs ROAR added
Considering there are typically two owners involved in every LL37 Retaining Wall project simplicity is key.
The philosophy of SIP vs ROAR starts with removing or repairing as little as possible, continues with all operations being performed from the “OWNER’S” side and involves turning an unreinforced masonry structure into a reinforced masonry structure with a series of socked anchors, including post-tensioned, and involving the backfill as necessary but all contained within the fabric of the structure itself. The detail above is but one solution provided in a complete manual designed by Cintec available from ConSpec by placing the words “Cintec Retaining Wall Manual” in the subject line of the contact sheet on this web site ( ).
ConSpec works with both NYC Licensed Engineers and Specialty Contractors that provide both the designs and construction services necessary to keep your costs and time to an absolute minimum. Again please reach out to us for;
- Inspection
- Design
- Construction
Terracotta Stabilization with Cintec Anchors
When Thornton Tomasetti had to consider the condition and stability of the terracotta for the Helmsley Building at 230 Park Avenue, including ornate Buffalo Heads, ConSpec’s SIP vs ROAR concept proved appropriate with the replacement of pieces that were beyond repair (Rip-Out-And-Replace) but anchor (Stabilize_In-Place) with Custom Designed Cintec anchors to dramatically reduce overall costs and project completion time.
Stucco Repair Naples Florida
When stucco was peeling of a Naples Florida High Rise Condominium the engineer Christopher Eseppi PE of CE Engineering & Consulting LLC searched the internet and found RureGold which he felt would be a potential solution to stabilize the underlying CMU substrate, and act as the base for the replacement stucco. Not only was he and the owner satisfied but the process will be a standard for others to be judged by.